This past week we focused on two groups that had access to various types of information: scribes and priests. These professional identities overlap in many ways as they required specialized knowledge bound up in literacy and in some cases, communication through supernatural channels.
For this week I want you to try focusing on one or two lines from one of the primary sources and using your chosen evidence as a platform for discussing a larger theme talked about in class thus far. This will be good practice for your final papers in which you will tackle broad subjects like ethics or religion and have to support your arguments with details from several types of texts. You can also uses primary texts quoted in the Donadoni volume and Pinch PDF as well.
Feel free to tackle whichever topics spark your interest but here are some suggestions if you are feeling stuck:
access to wisdom/knowledge
overlap between scribes and priests (ie lector priests)
relationship between these professions and the king
social hierarchy as evidenced by these professions
importance of the written word and names
relationships between religion and politics
and many, many more....