On Monday you will be learning about foreigners in Ancient Egypt. Professor Morris will talk about the representation of foreigners (in art and literature), the Egyptian perception of foreigners (both positive and negative), the kinds of Egyptian interactions with foreigners (we already touched upon this a bit with the rise of foreign slaves during Egyptian expansion), and the professions/roles foreigners performed in Egyptian society.
For Tuesday you will read two primary texts: The Story of Sinhue set in the Middle Kingdom and the Report of Wenamon from the Late Period. Read these two texts very carefully making note of how the Egyptian protagonist perceives the foreigners and their lands and conversely, how the foreigners treat the Egyptian.
In your post I would like you to pick out ONE aspect of these stories and either compare or contrast it. Be as specific as possible with your evidence. Please make sure to read the introductions to both texts--it will help you better understand how these texts reflect the socio-political landscape of their time (you do not need to talk about this in your post).